Training Course on Monitoring and Evaluation for Climate Change Adaptation Programs


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Climate Change Adaptation Course is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required to assess the effectiveness of climate change adaptation initiatives. Climate change poses significant risks to ecosystems, economies, and communities worldwide, making it essential to track, evaluate, and adapt interventions aimed at increasing resilience and reducing vulnerability.

This course focuses on the unique challenges of monitoring and evaluating programs aimed at climate change adaptation. Participants will learn how to design M&E frameworks tailored to the complexity of climate change impacts, measure the effectiveness of adaptation strategies, and use the findings to improve decision-making and policy formulation. The course emphasizes both quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluating adaptation efforts, ensuring that interventions remain flexible, relevant, and responsive to changing climate conditions.


This course is designed for researchers, project staff, development practitioners, managers, and decision-makers who are responsible for the project, program, or organization-level M&E of climate change adaptation programs.


10 Days


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the Fundamentals of Climate Change Adaptation
    Gain a solid understanding of climate change adaptation concepts, the key drivers of vulnerability, and the importance of building resilience in communities, ecosystems, and economies.
  • Develop M&E Frameworks for Adaptation Projects
    Design robust M&E frameworks specifically tailored to climate change adaptation initiatives, accounting for the unique challenges of long-term climate impacts and uncertainty.
  • Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Adaptation
    Identify and establish relevant KPIs that reflect the success and effectiveness of climate change adaptation interventions, ensuring they align with project goals and objectives.
  • Monitor and Track Progress of Adaptation Efforts
    Apply tools and techniques to monitor the progress of climate adaptation strategies over time, tracking outcomes such as improved resilience, reduced vulnerability, and sustainable development impacts.
  • Conduct Impact Assessments for Climate Adaptation
    Use impact evaluation methodologies to assess how well adaptation initiatives have strengthened resilience and reduced vulnerability in affected communities and ecosystems.
  • Incorporate Climate Change Scenarios into M&E
    Integrate climate change projections and scenarios into the M&E process, ensuring that adaptation interventions remain relevant and effective under different climate futures.
  • Use M&E Findings to Improve Adaptation Strategies
    Leverage M&E data and insights to adjust and refine climate adaptation projects, ensuring continuous improvement and responsiveness to emerging climate risks.
  • Engage Stakeholders in Climate Adaptation M&E
    Learn strategies for involving key stakeholders, including governments, communities, NGOs, and private sector actors, in the M&E process to ensure inclusive and participatory evaluation of adaptation initiatives.
  • Promote Learning and Knowledge Sharing
    Foster a culture of learning by using M&E results to promote knowledge sharing, both within organizations and across sectors, to improve global responses to climate change adaptation.
  • Prepare Reports and Communicate M&E Results
    Develop clear and actionable M&E reports that communicate the effectiveness of climate change adaptation projects to donors, policymakers, and stakeholders, supporting evidence-based decision-making.


Module 1: Introduction to Climate Change Adaptation

  • Overview of Climate Change: Understanding climate change impacts on ecosystems, economies, and communities.
  • Climate Change Adaptation: Key concepts, strategies, and approaches for building resilience and reducing vulnerability.
  • Importance of M&E in Climate Change Adaptation: The role of monitoring and evaluation in ensuring effective adaptation interventions.

Module 2: Foundations of Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Introduction to M&E: Basic principles, frameworks, and approaches.
  • Specific Challenges in M&E for Climate Change: Long-term impacts, uncertainties, and adaptive management.
  • Designing M&E Systems: Key components and phases of M&E processes for adaptation projects.

Module 3: Designing M&E Frameworks for Adaptation Projects

  • Theory of Change and Logical Frameworks: Developing theories of change and logframes tailored to climate adaptation goals.
  • Developing M&E Plans: Establishing objectives, outcomes, and metrics that align with climate change adaptation strategies.
  • Selecting Appropriate Indicators: Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for climate resilience, vulnerability reduction, and sustainable development.

Module 4: Data Collection and Analysis for Adaptation Projects

  • Data Collection Methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches to gathering relevant adaptation data.
  • Baseline Assessments: Establishing baselines to measure progress against adaptation goals.
  • Handling Uncertainty in Data: Approaches for dealing with uncertainties in climate projections and adaptation outcomes.

Module 5: Monitoring Climate Change Adaptation Efforts

  • Tracking Progress: Methods and tools to monitor ongoing adaptation activities and results.
  • Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Incorporating satellite imagery and geographic information systems to monitor environmental changes.
  • Community-Based Monitoring: Engaging local communities in tracking adaptation efforts and outcomes.

Module 6: Evaluating Impact of Adaptation Interventions

  • Impact Evaluation Approaches: Experimental and quasi-experimental designs to assess the impact of adaptation projects.
  • Measuring Resilience: Evaluating the improvement of resilience at different levels—households, communities, ecosystems, and infrastructure.
  • Assessing Vulnerability Reduction: Measuring reductions in vulnerability as a result of adaptation interventions.

Module 7: Integration of Climate Scenarios in M&E

  • Scenario-Based Planning: Incorporating future climate projections and scenario analyses into M&E frameworks.
  • Dynamic M&E Systems: Ensuring that M&E systems are flexible and adaptable to changes in climate conditions and impacts over time.

Module 8: Adaptive Management and Learning

  • Using M&E to Adapt and Refine Projects: Applying M&E findings to adjust and improve adaptation strategies over time.
  • Learning from M&E Results: Promoting a learning culture within organizations and projects to drive continuous improvement in adaptation practices.

Module 9: Stakeholder Engagement and Participatory M&E

  • Involving Stakeholders in M&E: Strategies for engaging government, communities, donors, and other stakeholders in M&E processes.
  • Participatory Evaluation Methods: Leveraging participatory tools to ensure inclusivity in evaluating adaptation efforts.

Module 10: Communicating M&E Results

  • Preparing M&E Reports: Developing concise, clear, and actionable reports on adaptation project outcomes.
  • Communicating to Stakeholders: Tailoring M&E communication for donors, policymakers, community members, and other key audiences.
  • Using M&E to Influence Policy: Leveraging M&E findings to inform and shape climate change policies and adaptation planning.

Module 11: Case Studies and Best Practices

  • Review of Global Adaptation Projects: Analysis of successful adaptation projects and the role of M&E.
  • Lessons Learned: Key takeaways from real-world M&E of climate change adaptation initiatives.
  • Best Practices in Adaptation M&E: Strategies for improving M&E systems based on successful case studies.


Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with a Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Monitoring And Evaluation For Climate Change Adaptation Programs
Dates Fees Location Action
09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class