Negotiating and Managing PPP Contracts Training Course


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are long-term agreements between government entities and private sector partners to deliver public infrastructure or services. PPP contracts are highly complex, requiring careful negotiation and management to balance the interests of both parties. The success of PPP projects hinges on crafting contracts that allocate risks appropriately, ensure financial viability, and establish clear performance expectations. This training course will equip participants with the necessary skills to successfully navigate the PPP contract negotiation process and manage contracts throughout the project lifecycle. It will cover legal frameworks, financial models, risk management, and performance monitoring specific to PPP arrangements.

Negotiating and Managing PPP (Public-Private Partnership) Contracts Training Course is designed to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills to negotiate, structure, and manage contracts in PPP projects effectively. Public-Private Partnerships are increasingly used to deliver large-scale infrastructure and public service projects, making the ability to negotiate and manage PPP contracts a crucial competency. This course focuses on the complexities of PPP contracts, from initial negotiations through project execution and contract management, ensuring that both public and private partners achieve their desired outcomes while managing risks.


5 Days


This course is ideal for:

  • Government officials, policymakers, and regulators involved in PPP projects
  • Private sector professionals involved in negotiating or managing PPP contracts
  • Legal, financial, and project management professionals working on infrastructure projects
  • Public sector managers responsible for contract oversight and performance monitoring


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the Fundamentals of PPP Contracts: Gain an understanding of PPP frameworks, contract structures, and legal and regulatory issues.
  2. Negotiate Effective PPP Agreements: Learn negotiation strategies that align public and private interests and ensure successful project outcomes.
  3. Structure PPP Contracts: Learn how to design contracts that clearly define roles, responsibilities, and risk allocation.
  4. Manage Risks in PPP Contracts: Understand the key risks in PPP agreements and how to mitigate them through contract design and management.
  5. Monitor and Manage PPP Performance: Develop the skills to monitor contract performance, ensure compliance, and handle disputes.
  6. Integrate Financial Models into PPP Contracts: Understand how to incorporate financial structuring, viability analysis, and investment considerations into PPP agreements.
  7. Ensure Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Learn to navigate the legal environment for PPPs and ensure that contracts meet all relevant requirements.


Module 1: Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

  • Definition and Key Features of PPPs
  • The Rationale for PPPs: Benefits and Challenges for Public and Private Partners
  • PPP Models and Structures: Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO), and More
  • Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for PPPs
  • The PPP Lifecycle: From Feasibility to Contract Management
  • Case Studies: Successful and Failed PPPs

Module 2: Principles of PPP Contract Negotiation

  • The Role of Negotiation in PPP Projects
  • Preparing for PPP Negotiations: Key Stakeholders and Interests
  • Negotiation Strategies for Public and Private Sector Partners
  • Common Contractual Terms in PPP Agreements: Duration, Scope, Performance, and Payment
  • Balancing Public Objectives with Private Sector Profitability
  • Case Studies: Real-World Negotiation Scenarios in PPP Projects

Module 3: Structuring PPP Contracts

  • Key Elements of PPP Contracts: Scope, Financing, Roles, and Responsibilities
  • Structuring Contracts for Different Types of PPP Models (e.g., BOT, BOO, DBFO)
  • Defining Clear Contractual Obligations for Public and Private Parties
  • Allocation of Risks in PPP Contracts: Financial, Operational, Legal, and Political Risks
  • Performance-Based Contracting: Setting and Measuring Performance Targets
  • Ensuring Flexibility and Adaptability in Long-Term Contracts

Module 4: Risk Management in PPP Contracts

  • Identifying Key Risks in PPP Projects: Financial, Operational, and Political Risks
  • Risk Sharing and Allocation between Public and Private Partners
  • Mitigation Strategies: Guarantees, Insurance, and Contingency Planning
  • Managing Force Majeure Events and Contractual Disputes
  • The Role of Financial and Legal Advisors in Risk Management
  • Real-World Examples of Risk Management in PPP Projects

Module 5: Financial Models and Structuring in PPP Contracts

  • Financial Considerations in PPP Contracts: Capital Investment, Revenue Streams, and Returns
  • Funding Sources for PPP Projects: Public, Private, and Multilateral Funding
  • Developing and Evaluating Financial Models for PPP Projects
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis and Financial Viability Studies
  • Incorporating Payment Mechanisms into PPP Contracts (e.g., Availability Payments, User Fees)
  • Case Study: Financial Structuring in a Major Infrastructure PPP Project

Module 6: Legal and Regulatory Considerations in PPP Contracts

  • Understanding the Legal Framework for PPPs in Different Jurisdictions
  • Key Legal Issues in PPP Contracts: Land Rights, Intellectual Property, Taxation, and Permits
  • Public Procurement Rules and Their Impact on PPPs
  • Ensuring Compliance with Environmental and Social Standards
  • Handling Contract Amendments, Extensions, and Termination
  • Managing Legal Disputes in PPP Contracts: Arbitration and Mediation

Module 7: Contract Management and Monitoring

  • Post-Negotiation Contract Management: Ensuring Compliance with Terms
  • Performance Monitoring: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • Contract Administration: Documentation, Audits, and Reporting
  • Managing Changes and Variations in Contract Terms
  • Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Handling Conflicts and Breach of Contract
  • Case Studies: Monitoring and Managing Ongoing PPP Contracts

Module 8: Best Practices and Case Studies in PPP Contract Management

  • Global Best Practices in PPP Contracting and Management
  • Lessons from Successful PPP Projects in Different Sectors (Transportation, Energy, Healthcare, etc.)
  • Common Challenges in PPP Contract Negotiation and Management
  • Group Exercise: Developing a PPP Contract Framework
  • Future Trends in PPPs: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Green PPPs, and Digital Infrastructure


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to
Negotiating And Managing Ppp Contracts Training Course
Dates Fees Location Action
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class