Strategic Project Design and Management Training


Managing a project effectively is not an event, but a process. This training shows you how to get a project off the ground, manage the inevitable uncertainties that crop up along the way, organize information, and communicate effectively about it. You will learn how to monitor each project effectively, provide progress reports, hold review meetings, and keep to schedules. You’ll also learn how to control costs, avoid unwanted expansion boundaries, and manage the risk of veering off course.

This training will show participants how to conceive, plan, implement, monitor, and complete the complex projects that are today’s pressing workplace priorities. Each of the modules simplifies the how-to and whys of project design and management and provides useful guidelines.

A crucial phase in the effective management of any project us the close-down, or conclusion. At the end of the course, participants will develop an understanding of the benefits or a thorough plan for closing each project, how to create one, and how to allocate resources for it.


10 Days


The training is meant for project managers, government officials, CBO operatives, NGO employees, UN Staff and anyone involved in project management activities.


The training will enable participants to;

  • Explain their expectations for successful projects and develop means of implementing them through improved planning, communication, and project monitoring.
  • Describe tools and methods that can be used to better understand the community they serve.
  • Work through the steps of project planning, develop a potential project for their community, and learn a process they can replicate with their communities.
  • Develop a plan for how they will apply the skills and knowledge learned in the course to their jobs and share them with others.


Module 1: Introduction to Strategic Project Design and Management

  • Introduction
  • Project versus Process
  • Project Characteristics
  • Historical overview of project management
  • Project management and process management
  • Project Management vs. General Management
  • Assignment

Module 2: Project Organization

  • Introduction
  • Functional Organization
  • Production Organization
  • Matrix Organization
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Pure Matrix Form of Organization
  • Modified Matrix Structures
  • Pure Matrix Organization Structure
  • Project Organization and Responsibilities
  • Selection of Project Organization Structure
  • Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)
  • Assignment

Module 3: Project Scope and Estimation of Times and Cost

  • Introduction
  • Project Kick-Off Meeting
  • Project Scope Management
  • Activity Resource Estimating
  • Project Time Management
  • Cost of the Project
  • Components of Capital Cost of a Project
  • Order of Magnitude Estimate
  • Assignment

Module 4: Project Planning and Scheduling

  • Introduction
  • Project Scheduling
  • Scheduling Techniques
  • Developing a Project Network
  • Plan Activity-On-Node Network techniques
  • Time Calculations
  • Assignment

Module 5: Progress and Performance Measurement

  • Introduction
  • The Project Control Process
  • Performance Indicators
  • Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Control
  • Assignment

Module 6: Project Risk Management and Management (PRAM)

  • Introduction
  • Why Risk Management is Important to a Project
  • Benefits of using Project Risk Analysis and Management 
  • When to use Project Risk Analysis and Management
  • Who should do Project Risk Analysis and Management?
  • Techniques and Methods for Project Risk and Management
  • Assignment

Module 7: Documentation, Audit, Termination, and Closure

  • Introduction
  • Project Documentation and Audit
  • Project Termination and Closure
  • Celebrating and Thanking
  • Assessment of Project Management in Participants’ Organization
  • Final Examination
  • Participants Evaluation of Course/Feedback


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Strategic Project Design And Management Training
Dates Fees Location Action
18/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class