
Training On Conflict Resolution Negotiation And Mediation


Conflicts are an inevitable part of both personal and professional life, and effectively managing these conflicts is crucial to maintaining productive relationships and ensuring organizational success. This Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, and Mediation Training Course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to resolve disputes constructively, negotiate favorable outcomes, and mediate between conflicting parties.

The course offers a comprehensive exploration of conflict dynamics and introduces various strategies for addressing disputes through peaceful and collaborative approaches. Participants will learn how to analyze conflicts, engage in interest-based negotiations, and facilitate mediation processes to achieve mutually beneficial solutions. The training covers both theoretical frameworks and practical techniques, providing real-world applications that can be applied in personal, workplace, and community settings.


5 Days


This course is ideal for managers, human resource professionals, mediators, legal practitioners, and anyone involved in dispute resolution, negotiations, or leadership roles requiring conflict management skills.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand Conflict Dynamics: Identify the causes, types, and stages of conflict and how it escalates.
  2. Apply Conflict Resolution Strategies: Implement various methods to resolve disputes and manage conflict constructively.
  3. Develop Negotiation Skills: Learn negotiation techniques that focus on collaboration, interest-based outcomes, and win-win solutions.
  4. Facilitate Mediation: Acquire the skills to mediate conflicts effectively, guiding disputing parties toward mutually acceptable resolutions.
  5. Improve Communication in Conflict: Enhance listening, questioning, and communication skills to reduce tensions and foster understanding.
  6. Create Sustainable Solutions: Develop strategies to resolve conflicts in ways that prevent recurrence and promote long-term positive relationships.
  7. Apply Skills in Diverse Contexts: Utilize conflict resolution, negotiation, and mediation techniques in various professional and personal contexts.


Module 1: Understanding Conflict and Its Dynamics

  • Nature of Conflict:
    • Definition and Types of Conflict (Interpersonal, Intragroup, Intergroup)
    • Common Causes of Conflict (Values, Interests, Relationships, Data, Structural)
  • Stages of Conflict:
    • Conflict Escalation and De-escalation Processes
    • Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Conflict
  • Conflict Styles and Approaches:
    • Overview of Different Conflict Management Styles (Competing, Collaborating, Compromising, Avoiding, Accommodating)
    • Assessing Personal Conflict Style

Module 2: Conflict Resolution Techniques

  • Conflict Analysis:
    • Tools for Diagnosing Conflict (Conflict Mapping, Needs Assessment, Stakeholder Analysis)
    • Understanding Power Dynamics and Interests of Different Parties
  • Resolution Strategies:
    • Problem-Solving Approaches
    • Building Trust and Fostering Cooperation
    • Conflict De-escalation Techniques
  • Case Studies in Conflict Resolution:
    • Real-Life Examples of Successful Conflict Resolution

Module 3: Negotiation Skills for Conflict Resolution

  • Principles of Negotiation:
    • Interest-Based Negotiation (Win-Win vs. Win-Lose)
    • BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and Its Importance
  • Negotiation Phases:
    • Preparation, Bargaining, Closing, and Implementation
  • Negotiation Tactics and Strategies:
    • Strategies for Creating Value and Expanding the Pie
    • Handling Difficult Negotiations and Managing Emotions
  • Practical Negotiation Exercises:
    • Role-Playing Negotiation Scenarios to Practice Techniques

Module 4: Mediation Processes and Skills

  • Introduction to Mediation:
    • Role of the Mediator and Mediation Process Overview
    • Benefits of Mediation Over Other Conflict Resolution Methods
  • Mediation Techniques:
    • Active Listening and Facilitative Questioning
    • Managing Emotions and Maintaining Neutrality
    • Guiding Parties Toward Agreement
  • Stages of Mediation:
    • Opening, Problem Identification, Option Generation, Agreement Building
  • Practice Mediation Sessions:
    • Simulated Mediation Cases for Hands-On Practice

Module 5: Communication and Long-Term Conflict Prevention

  • Effective Communication in Conflict:
    • Non-Verbal Communication and Body Language
    • Active Listening Techniques and Empathetic Responses
    • The Role of Language and Framing in Conflict Situations
  • Sustaining Positive Outcomes:
    • Creating Agreements That Prevent Future Conflict
    • Developing Conflict Prevention Strategies in Teams and Organizations
  • Final Workshop and Action Planning:
    • Participants Develop Personal Action Plans for Implementing Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, and Mediation Skills in Their Own Contexts
    • Group Presentations and Feedback


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to info@macskillsdevelopment.com


Training On Conflict Resolution Negotiation And Mediation
Dates Fees Location Action
25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class