Training On Effective Monitoring Evaluation for Public and Donor Funded Programmes


Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) play a crucial role in ensuring the success of public and donor-funded programmes. M&E processes help to track progress, assess performance, and make data-driven decisions that enhance the effectiveness, accountability, and sustainability of projects. This training course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to design, implement, and manage effective M&E systems.

The course emphasizes real-world applications, covering the full cycle of monitoring and evaluation, from planning to reporting. It is ideal for professionals working in government, NGOs, international organizations, and donor agencies, helping them align their programme objectives with strategic goals and meet the expectations of stakeholders.


10 Days


This training is intended for Project Management Officials, government officials, department heads and program managers; policy makers and program implementers; development practitioners and activists and NGO and CSO members, University Researchers among others.


By the end of this training, participants will:

  1. Understand the Key Concepts of Monitoring and Evaluation: Gain an understanding of the role M&E plays in improving programme outcomes and organizational performance.
  2. Develop and Implement M&E Frameworks: Learn to design M&E systems that are aligned with project objectives and performance indicators.
  3. Track Progress and Measure Impact: Use tools and methodologies to monitor programme implementation, assess progress, and evaluate outcomes.
  4. Apply Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques: Gain skills in data collection, analysis, and reporting to assess programme performance.
  5. Manage M&E Systems: Learn to manage and operationalize M&E frameworks, including data management, stakeholder engagement, and reporting processes.
  6. Enhance Accountability and Reporting: Produce transparent and evidence-based reports that meet donor and stakeholder requirements.
  7. Apply Lessons Learned for Programme Improvement: Use M&E findings to inform decision-making, improve project design, and ensure programme sustainability.


Module 1: Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Overview of M&E:

  • Definitions and distinctions between Monitoring, Evaluation, and other project management processes.
  • Importance of M&E in public and donor-funded programmes.
  • Key roles and responsibilities of M&E professionals.

M&E in Programme Life Cycle:

  • The role of M&E in the different phases of project/programme development.
  • How M&E contributes to accountability, transparency, and programme success.

Types of M&E:

  • Process monitoring vs. results-based monitoring.
  • Formative, summative, and impact evaluations.

Module 2: Developing M&E Frameworks and Systems

Designing an M&E Framework:

  • Logical framework approach (LogFrame): objectives, inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impact.
  • Theory of change and its role in M&E planning.
  • Creating clear and measurable performance indicators.

Setting Up M&E Systems:

  • Establishing data collection systems and tools.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities within an M&E team.
  • Integrating M&E systems into programme design and implementation.

Selecting Indicators:

  • Developing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) indicators.
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative indicators and how to measure them.
  • Linking indicators to programme goals and donor requirements.

Module 3: Monitoring Tools and Techniques

Data Collection Methods:

  • Developing effective monitoring plans and schedules.
  • Tools for quantitative data collection: surveys, questionnaires, and administrative data.
  • Tools for qualitative data collection: interviews, focus groups, and case studies.

Monitoring Progress:

  • Using baseline data for comparison and progress tracking.
  • Creating data dashboards and real-time tracking systems.
  • Conducting regular field visits and assessments.

Data Management:

  • Techniques for data entry, storage, and ensuring data quality.
  • Using software and tools (Excel, Google Sheets, and M&E-specific software) for managing monitoring data.
  • Data security and ethical considerations in monitoring.

Module 4: Evaluation Methods and Approaches

Introduction to Evaluation:

  • The role of evaluation in learning and accountability.
  • Key evaluation questions and determining the purpose of the evaluation (process, outcome, impact).

Evaluation Designs:

  • Experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental designs.
  • Pros and cons of different evaluation methods for public and donor-funded programmes.

Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Techniques:

  • Techniques for analyzing quantitative data (descriptive and inferential statistics).
  • Qualitative analysis techniques (content analysis, thematic analysis).
  • Using mixed methods to enhance evaluation accuracy.

Impact Evaluation:

  • Understanding the concept of impact and its measurement.
  • Attribution and contribution: how to assess programme impact on target populations.
  • Case study: Impact evaluation of a donor-funded project.

Module 5: Reporting and Communicating M&E Results

Reporting Frameworks:

  • Structuring M&E reports to meet stakeholder needs.
  • Key components of M&E reports: executive summary, methodology, findings, recommendations, and lessons learned.

Data Visualization:

  • Best practices for presenting data: charts, graphs, and dashboards.
  • Tools for creating compelling visual reports (Excel, Tableau, Power BI).

Communicating M&E Findings:

  • Tailoring communication to different audiences: donors, government agencies, and beneficiaries.
  • How to use evaluation findings for decision-making and programme improvements.

Writing Donor Reports:

  • Understanding donor expectations and requirements.
  • Creating evidence-based reports that demonstrate accountability and impact.

Module 6: Utilizing M&E Findings for Programme Improvement

Applying Lessons Learned:

  • Using M&E findings to inform programme design and future interventions.
  • Adaptive management: How to use data for real-time programme adjustments.

Scaling and Sustainability:

  • Using evaluation results to scale successful programmes.
  • Strategies for ensuring the sustainability of donor-funded programmes.

Building a Culture of Learning and Accountability:

  • Fostering a results-based management approach within organizations.
  • Encouraging feedback loops and continuous improvement based on M&E data.


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Training On Effective Monitoring Evaluation For Public And Donor Funded Programmes
Dates Fees Location Action
18/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class