Training Course on Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation


As organizations and governments strive for inclusive growth, it is crucial to ensure that programs, projects, and policies are evaluated through an equity-focused and culturally responsive lens. Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation (EFCR) emphasizes the importance of examining how interventions affect different population groups, particularly marginalized or underserved communities. It ensures that evaluations consider social, cultural, economic, and political contexts, giving voice to those traditionally excluded from decision-making processes.

This training course equips professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement, and manage evaluations that promote social justice and inclusion. Participants will explore frameworks and methodologies that help identify inequities and promote fairness in evaluations, ensuring that evaluations do not reinforce power imbalances but instead contribute to meaningful, equitable outcomes.


5 Days


  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officers
  • Program Managers and Directors
  • Public Policy Professionals
  • Social Development Practitioners
  • Non-Profit and NGO Leaders
  • Consultants in M&E and Social Impact
  • Researchers and Academics in the field of evaluation

By the end of this course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to develop and implement evaluations that promote equity, inclusiveness, and cultural responsiveness. This will help ensure that programs and policies effectively address the needs of all community members, especially those who have been historically underserved.


By the end of this training, participants will:

  1. Understand the Importance of Equity in Evaluation: Recognize why integrating equity into evaluations is essential for promoting fairness and inclusiveness.
  2. Learn Principles of Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE): Grasp the principles of culturally responsive evaluation and their relevance in diverse settings.
  3. Develop Equity-Focused Evaluation Frameworks: Learn how to design evaluation frameworks that consider social and cultural contexts, especially for marginalized groups.
  4. Engage Stakeholders in Equitable Ways: Gain skills in involving diverse stakeholders in the evaluation process, ensuring their perspectives and experiences are valued.
  5. Use Evaluation to Identify Inequities: Understand how to assess the differential impact of programs on various demographic groups, highlighting inequities.
  6. Learn Inclusive Data Collection and Analysis Techniques: Discover methods for gathering and analyzing data that reflect the experiences of diverse communities, without bias or exclusion.
  7. Promote Ethical Evaluation Practices: Learn how to adhere to ethical standards that prioritize respect, inclusivity, and transparency in evaluations.
  8. Enhance Evaluation Utilization for Equity: Understand how to use evaluation findings to promote policies and practices that support social justice and equity.


Module 1: Introduction to Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation (EFCR)

  • Defining equity-focused evaluation and its significance
  • Understanding culturally responsive evaluation (CRE) and its principles
  • Historical and social contexts of inequities in evaluation
  • The role of evaluators in promoting social justice
  • Case studies of evaluations that either failed or succeeded in addressing equity issues

Module 2: Designing Equity-Focused Evaluation Frameworks

  • Key frameworks for equity-focused evaluations (e.g., Equity-Centered Community Design, Empowerment Evaluation)
  • Developing evaluation questions that address equity concerns
  • Aligning evaluation objectives with the principles of equity and inclusion
  • Identifying target groups for equity-focused evaluations (marginalized, vulnerable, or underrepresented groups)
  • Examples of equity-focused evaluation frameworks in practice

Module 3: Principles of Culturally Responsive Evaluation

  • Understanding cultural competence in evaluation
  • Ensuring cultural relevance in evaluation design and implementation
  • The role of context, traditions, and local knowledge in evaluation processes
  • Balancing objectivity with cultural sensitivity
  • Engaging with communities in culturally respectful ways
  • Challenges in conducting culturally responsive evaluations

Module 4: Stakeholder Engagement for Equitable Evaluations

  • Identifying and engaging key stakeholders, particularly marginalized groups
  • Methods for inclusive stakeholder participation
  • Power dynamics and their influence on stakeholder engagement
  • Using participatory and collaborative approaches in equity-focused evaluations
  • Building trust with communities and ensuring their perspectives are central in the evaluation process

Module 5: Data Collection Techniques for Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluations

  • Choosing methods that are inclusive and respectful of diverse cultural contexts
  • Adapting traditional data collection tools (surveys, interviews, focus groups) to marginalized communities
  • Addressing biases in data collection
  • Participatory data collection methods (community-led evaluations, storytelling, focus groups, etc.)
  • Ethical considerations in collecting data from vulnerable populations

Module 6: Analyzing Data with an Equity Lens

  • Techniques for disaggregating data by gender, race, ethnicity, income, disability, and other equity factors
  • Identifying and addressing patterns of inequity in data analysis
  • Strategies for interpreting results that reflect the lived experiences of diverse groups
  • Tools for ensuring equity in quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • Avoiding common pitfalls in analysis that can obscure inequities

Module 7: Using Evaluation to Address and Mitigate Inequities

  • How to apply evaluation findings to improve equity outcomes
  • Communicating evaluation results in culturally sensitive ways
  • Advocating for policy and program changes based on evaluation findings
  • Lessons learned from evaluations that led to improved equity and social justice outcomes
  • Building capacity for equity-focused evaluation within organizations

Module 8: Ethical Considerations in Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluations

  • Addressing ethical challenges in working with marginalized communities
  • Ensuring confidentiality, informed consent, and respectful treatment in evaluations
  • Avoiding exploitation and reinforcing stereotypes in evaluation processes
  • Evaluator responsibilities in safeguarding participants’ rights
  • Promoting transparency and accountability in equity-focused evaluations

Module 9: Applying Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Various Sectors

  • Applying EFCR principles in different fields (education, health, social services, economic development)
  • Sector-specific case studies of equity-focused evaluations
  • Designing sector-appropriate evaluation tools for promoting equity
  • Lessons from equity and culturally responsive evaluations across sectors


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


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Training On Equity-focused And Culturally Responsive Evaluation
Dates Fees Location Action
25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class