Training on Gender Sensitive Management


Gender-sensitive management refers to the approach of creating a workplace culture that recognizes, respects, and addresses the different needs, experiences, and perspectives of all employees, regardless of gender. This training aims to equip managers and leaders with the knowledge and skills to foster an inclusive environment where gender diversity is valued, and equitable practices are implemented. By integrating gender sensitivity into management practices, organizations can promote fairness, reduce gender biases, and enhance overall team performance and satisfaction.

This course focuses on understanding gender dynamics in the workplace, recognizing unconscious bias, and applying gender-sensitive policies and practices that contribute to a more inclusive, productive, and respectful organizational culture.


5 Days


This course targets: 

  • Gender activists 
  • Social workers 
  • Community development officers 
  • Social scientists and researchers 
  • Gender and Community development policy makers 
  • Income generation programme officials 
  • Managers in organizations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations


By the end of this Gender-Sensitive Management training, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand gender sensitivity and its importance in the workplace.
  2. Identify and challenge gender biases that influence decision-making, communication, and leadership styles.
  3. Recognize the impact of gender diversity on team dynamics, innovation, and organizational success.
  4. Develop strategies to integrate gender-sensitive practices into management, recruitment, performance evaluations, and promotions.
  5. Create an inclusive workplace culture that fosters equal opportunities and minimizes gender disparities.
  6. Enhance leadership skills to support gender equity and inclusive team management.
  7. Promote gender-sensitive policies such as flexible work arrangements, parental leave, and equal pay.
  8. Foster an environment of respect and prevent gender-based discrimination and harassment.


Module 1: Introduction to Gender Sensitivity and Management

Key Concepts of Gender Sensitivity:

  • Defining gender sensitivity, gender equity, and gender equality.
  • Understanding gender roles, norms, and stereotypes in the workplace.

Importance of Gender-Sensitive Management:

  • Business case for gender sensitivity: productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction.
  • How gender diversity influences organizational culture and performance.

Gender Sensitivity vs. Gender Neutrality:

  • Differences between gender sensitivity (addressing differences) and neutrality (ignoring differences).
  • Why gender-sensitive practices are necessary for creating equity.

Module 2: Identifying and Addressing Gender Bias

Unconscious Gender Bias:

  • What unconscious bias is and how it impacts decision-making.
  • Recognizing and mitigating gender biases in recruitment, performance evaluations, and promotions.

Types of Gender Bias:

  • Common forms of bias: affinity bias, gender role stereotyping, and tokenism.
  • How biases affect communication, task assignments, and leadership opportunities.

Bias Interruption Techniques:

  • Practical tools for managers to address bias in everyday workplace interactions.
  • Creating inclusive meetings and decision-making processes.

Module 3: Gender-Sensitive Leadership and Communication

Developing Inclusive Leadership:

  • Leadership styles that promote gender sensitivity.
  • Understanding different leadership expectations and experiences for women, men, and non-binary individuals.

Gender-Sensitive Communication:

  • Inclusive language and communication strategies.
  • Encouraging open, respectful dialogue on gender and diversity issues.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:

  • The role of emotional intelligence in managing diverse teams.
  • How empathy can help in resolving gender-related conflicts.

Module 4: Implementing Gender-Sensitive Policies and Practices

Workplace Policies for Gender Equity:

  • Reviewing and implementing policies on equal pay, flexible work arrangements, and parental leave.
  • Establishing clear anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies.

Supporting Work-Life Balance:

  • Gender-sensitive approaches to flexible working hours, telecommuting, and caregiving responsibilities.
  • How these policies promote gender equity and improve employee well-being.

Gender-Inclusive Recruitment and Hiring:

  • Strategies for attracting and retaining gender-diverse talent.
  • Best practices for ensuring bias-free recruitment and promotion processes.

Module 5: Fostering a Gender-Inclusive Workplace Culture

Building a Culture of Respect:

  • Addressing gender-related microaggressions and stereotypes in the workplace.
  • Encouraging respect for all gender identities and expressions.

Creating Safe Spaces for Dialogue:

  • Establishing forums or employee resource groups for discussing gender issues.
  • Promoting allyship and support networks in the workplace.

Preventing Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination:

  • Understanding the different forms of harassment and how they affect workplace culture.
  • Legal obligations and practical steps for preventing and addressing gender-based harassment.

Module 6: Promoting Career Development and Advancement for All Genders

Mentorship and Sponsorship:

  • Encouraging mentorship and sponsorship programs to support the career growth of women and non-binary employees.
  • How gender-sensitive mentorship programs differ from traditional models.

Leadership Development for Underrepresented Genders:

  • Identifying barriers to leadership for women and other marginalized genders.
  • Strategies for promoting gender diversity in senior leadership roles.

Creating Equitable Performance Evaluation Systems:

  • Reviewing performance metrics for gender bias.
  • Ensuring transparent, fair, and equitable promotion and recognition processes.

Module 7: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Accountability in Gender-Sensitive Management

Measuring Gender Sensitivity in the Workplace:

  • Key indicators and metrics for tracking gender equity and inclusivity.
  • Conducting gender audits and employee surveys to assess workplace culture.

Accountability Mechanisms:

  • Setting up systems to hold leaders accountable for gender-sensitive practices.
  • Reporting frameworks and feedback loops for continuous improvement.

Using Data for Continuous Improvement:

  • How to interpret gender-disaggregated data to inform management decisions.
  • Adjusting policies and practices based on monitoring and feedback.

Module 8: Action Planning and Implementation Workshop

Creating a Gender-Sensitive Action Plan:

  • Steps for developing a gender-sensitive management plan tailored to your organization.
  • Setting goals and timelines for implementing gender-inclusive policies and practices.

Collaborating Across Departments:

  • Encouraging cross-departmental collaboration to achieve gender equity.
  • Building internal champions and engaging stakeholders in gender-sensitive initiatives.

Final Presentation and Peer Feedback:

  • Participants present their action plans and receive peer and facilitator feedback.
  • Review of best practices and success stories from organizations implementing gender-sensitive management.


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Training On Gender Sensitive Management
Dates Fees Location Action
25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class