Training On Impact Evaluation for Evidence Based Development


Impact evaluation involves the assessment of changes as a result of projects, programs, or policies. This included both the intended and unintended interventions. This course aims at imparting skills to participants on the ways to carryout impact evaluations on their respective programs, policies, or projects. At the end of the course a participant sold be able to carry out a vigorous impact assessment with respect to specific interventions.


5 Days


This course targets project staff, researchers, managers, development professionals, government policy makers, NGOs and development organizations who want to identify the impacts in relation to specific interventions.


The training will enable participants to;

  • Identify impact evaluation theories and practices
  • Understand problems of evaluation (biases n placement, attribution and selection)
  • Explain designs of IE
  • Carry out a project impact evaluation
  • Learn impact evaluation econometric tools
  • Undertake analysis of impact data using Propensity Matching and Difference-in –Difference
  • Report and share findings from impact evaluation


Impact Evaluation Introduction

  • Meaning of impact evaluation
  • Impact evaluation attribution
  • Attribution versus contribution

Impact Evaluation

  • Forms of evaluation
  • Theories of Change
  • Hypothesis of evaluation
  • Indicators of impact evaluation

Impact Evaluation Counterfactuals

  • Causal reference
  • Counterfactuals and comparison groups
  • Counterfactual estimation in impact evaluation
  • Impact Evaluation without comparison and baseline data

Impact Evaluation Research Designs

  • Experimental Design

o Randomized Control Trials

  • Quasi experimental designs

o Difference-in-Difference

o Regression Discontinuity

o Matching

  • Non-experimental designs

Impact Evaluation Sampling

  • Impact Evaluation sampling techniques
  • Calculation of sample size,
  • Sampling weight
  • Statistical power
  • Development of comparison groups

Impact Evaluation Quantitative Data Analysis

Randomized Impact Evaluation

  • Developing counterfactual
  • Randomization
  • Program Placement impacts
  • Program Participation impacts
  • Integrating Program Placement and Participation
  • Spillover Effects Measurements

Propensity Score Matching Technique (PSM)

  • PSM introduction
  • PSM in Impact Evaluation
  • Developing propensity scores
  • Matching Analysis (Nearest-Neighbour, Stratification, Radius, Kernel )
  • Doubly Robust Estimation

Difference in Difference Method

  • Introduction to DID
  • DID in Impact Evaluation
  • DID estimator: (Single DID, DID with covariates, Quantile DID)
  • DID for Cross-Sectional Data
  • Balancing Tests
  • Diff-in-Diff with Propensity Score Matching

Qualitative Approaches in Impact Evaluation

  • Significant Change
  • Outcome Mapping
  • Outcome Harvesting
  • Appreciative Inquiry

Impact Evaluation Findings Development and Dissemination

  • Impact Evaluation Plan
  • Impact Evaluation Reports: Baseline report, Impact Evaluation Reports
  • Case studies


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Training On Impact Evaluation For Evidence Based Development
Dates Fees Location Action
25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class