Training On Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Project Preparation


Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have become a critical tool for governments to leverage private sector investment, expertise, and innovation in delivering public infrastructure and services. The PPP Project Preparation training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to prepare successful PPP projects. From understanding the basics of PPP models to identifying, designing, and structuring bankable projects, this course provides a comprehensive overview of the entire project preparation process. Participants will learn how to assess the feasibility of potential projects, mitigate risks, and ensure that PPP initiatives align with public policy objectives and provide value for money.

This course is ideal for professionals from both the public and private sectors involved in infrastructure development, project finance, and public service delivery who seek to understand the intricacies of PPP project preparation and execution.This training is essential for project managers, policymakers, financial analysts, legal advisors, and public sector officials who are involved in infrastructure development and the management of public-private collaborations. By the end of this course, participants will have the tools and methodologies needed to prepare robust, sustainable, and financially viable PPP projects.

This 5-day training on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Project Preparation equips participants with the essential knowledge and skills to identify, prepare, and manage successful PPP projects. From feasibility analysis to contract management and sustainability, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to deliver high-quality infrastructure and services through collaborative public-private arrangements.


5 Days


This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Policy makers
  • Senior government personnel
  • Legal Advisors
  • Financial Advisors
  • Director and senior management from private infrastructure/ public utility sectors - Sectors include energy & electricity, water & waste water, transportation (roads, airports, ports, and rail), telecommunications, education, health, and municipal services
  • Professionals who have some experience with infrastructure projects and wish to improve their knowledge and decision-making capacity to enact policies related to PPPs
  • Technical and financial consultants
  • Senior Non-Government Organisation (NGO) officers


By the end of this training, participants will:

  1. Understand PPP Fundamentals: Gain a clear understanding of the concepts, models, and key principles that underpin Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).
  2. Identify and Select PPP Projects: Learn how to identify, assess, and select infrastructure and public service projects suitable for PPP arrangements.
  3. Conduct Feasibility Studies: Develop skills to conduct comprehensive feasibility studies, including technical, financial, and economic analysis.
  4. Structure Bankable PPP Projects: Understand the key elements of structuring PPP contracts that balance public interests with private sector incentives.
  5. Risk Allocation and Management: Learn how to identify, allocate, and mitigate risks between the public and private sectors in PPP projects.
  6. Navigate Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Become familiar with the legal, institutional, and regulatory environments governing PPPs.
  7. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication: Develop strategies for engaging stakeholders, including government entities, private sector players, and the public.
  8. Financial Modeling and Value for Money (VfM) Analysis: Gain proficiency in financial modeling and assessing projects for affordability, bankability, and value for money.
  9. Prepare Project Documents and Bidding: Understand the preparation of project documentation, including contracts, request for proposals (RFPs), and tendering processes.
  10. Ensure Sustainability and Public Interest: Ensure that PPP projects are sustainable, transparent, and aligned with public service goals, including environmental and social impacts.


Module 1: Introduction to Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

PPP Basics and Concepts:

  • Definition, rationale, and importance of PPPs in infrastructure and service delivery.
  • Key differences between traditional public procurement and PPPs.

Types of PPP Models:

  • Understanding various PPP models (e.g., Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO), concession agreements).
  • Advantages and challenges of each PPP model.

Global and Regional Trends in PPP:

  • Case studies of successful PPP projects from around the world.
  • Lessons learned from PPP failures and successes.

Module 2: Project Identification and Screening

Project Suitability for PPP:

  • Identifying projects that are best suited for PPP arrangements.
  • Key criteria for selecting PPP projects: Scale, complexity, and potential for private sector involvement.

Preliminary Assessment and Screening:

  • Conducting initial assessments to determine project viability.
  • Aligning PPP projects with national development plans and public service needs.

Public Sector Comparator (PSC):

  • Understanding the Public Sector Comparator tool to evaluate whether PPP is the right procurement route.

Module 3: Feasibility Studies and Project Structuring

Feasibility Study Components:

  • Conducting technical, financial, and economic feasibility studies.
  • Assessing market demand, technology options, and operational requirements.

Financial Analysis and Modeling:

  • Basics of financial modeling: Cash flow projections, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Net Present Value (NPV).
  • Conducting a Value for Money (VfM) analysis to ensure public benefits.

Risk Analysis and Mitigation:

  • Identifying key risks in PPP projects (construction, operational, financial, political).
  • Developing risk allocation strategies between public and private partners.

Module 4: Legal, Institutional, and Regulatory Frameworks

Legal and Regulatory Environment:

  • Overview of legal frameworks governing PPPs: National laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  • Role of regulatory bodies and institutional arrangements in PPP oversight.

Drafting PPP Contracts:

  • Essential components of PPP contracts: Risk-sharing, payment mechanisms, performance standards, and exit strategies.
  • Ensuring contracts are enforceable and aligned with public sector objectives.

Dispute Resolution in PPP:

  • Mechanisms for resolving disputes between public and private partners (arbitration, mediation, etc.).
  • Strategies for managing contract changes and renegotiation.

Module 5: Risk Management in PPP Projects

Risk Identification and Allocation:

  • Comprehensive risk identification for construction, operation, finance, and political factors.
  • Risk allocation frameworks: Ensuring that risks are borne by the party best able to manage them.

Financial and Payment Structures:

  • Understanding different financial structures in PPPs (availability payments, user charges, and hybrid models).
  • Structuring payments based on performance and service delivery.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

  • Tools and techniques for mitigating risks in PPP projects (insurance, guarantees, and performance bonds).
  • Using multilateral support and financial instruments for risk reduction.

Module 6: Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Stakeholder Mapping and Analysis:

  • Identifying key stakeholders: Government agencies, private sector, civil society, and international organizations.
  • Strategies for effective stakeholder engagement and communication throughout the project lifecycle.

Public Communication and Transparency:

  • Ensuring transparency in PPP projects: Public consultation, information sharing, and accountability.
  • Managing public expectations and ensuring community buy-in.

Negotiating with Private Sector Partners:

  • Techniques for negotiating win-win outcomes in PPP agreements.
  • Balancing public interest with private sector profitability.

Module 7: Bidding, Procurement, and Financial Close

PPP Procurement Processes:

  • Overview of the competitive tendering process: Request for Proposals (RFP), evaluation, and selection.
  • Preparing procurement documentation: Terms of reference, bidding criteria, and evaluation standards.

Evaluating PPP Bids:

  • Key criteria for evaluating bids: Financial, technical, and managerial capacity.
  • Ensuring bids align with project goals and financial sustainability.

Financial Close and Project Financing:

  • Understanding the steps to reach financial close in PPP projects.
  • Financing mechanisms: Public finance, private investment, and blended finance options.

Module 8: Contract Management and Project Implementation

Monitoring and Managing PPP Contracts:

  • Ensuring adherence to contract terms and performance standards.
  • Regular monitoring and reporting requirements for PPP contracts.

Managing Change and Flexibility:

  • How to manage contract modifications, scope changes, and unforeseen challenges during implementation.
  • Balancing flexibility with maintaining contract integrity.

Performance-Based Management:

  • Monitoring service delivery and ensuring performance-based payments.
  • Tools for evaluating the success of PPP projects over time.

Module 9: Sustainability and Social Responsibility in PPPs

Ensuring Sustainability in PPP Projects:

  • Integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into PPP project design.
  • Evaluating long-term sustainability and resilience of infrastructure projects.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

  • Incorporating CSR initiatives into PPP projects to maximize social benefits.
  • Ensuring that PPP projects align with broader development goals, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Module 10: Post-Implementation Evaluation and Lessons Learned

Post-Project Evaluation:

  • Conducting post-implementation evaluations to assess project impact and success.
  • Capturing lessons learned to improve future PPP projects.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:

  • Ensuring continuous monitoring and adaptation of PPP projects to address changing conditions.
  • Using feedback and data to enhance the effectiveness of PPP frameworks.


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Certificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Training On Public-private Partnerships (ppp) Project Preparation
Dates Fees Location Action
25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
16/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $1,250 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class