Training On USAID Rules and Regulations 


The USAID (United States Agency for International Development) is a government agency responsible for administering foreign aid and development assistance. Compliance with USAID rules and regulations is essential for organizations that receive funding from the agency. This training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of USAID’s regulatory framework, financial management standards, and reporting requirements. It covers essential topics such as grants and cooperative agreements, procurement procedures, and audit protocols.

This 10-day training program is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of USAID (United States Agency for International Development) rules and regulations. USAID implements strict compliance requirements for organizations managing its funds. This course covers essential topics, including USAID's regulatory framework, financial management, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, and audit procedures. Participants will be equipped with practical knowledge to ensure compliance, manage risks, and deliver successful USAID-funded projects.


10 Days


The training is meant for individual participants and teams of employees that are in the following USAID-funded project departments: Finance, contracts, and grants; Programs and Administration; New business development; Human resources; Any experienced NGO employee who needs an update on the rules and regulations; and Independent auditors (including representatives from certified public accounting firms who perform compliance or financial audits within the development sector).


By the end of this training, participants will:

  1. Understand USAID’s regulatory framework, including the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and USAID-specific policies (AIDAR).
  2. Effectively manage USAID-funded grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements.
  3. Implement financial management and procurement strategies compliant with USAID regulations.
  4. Develop a thorough understanding of cost principles and audit preparation.
  5. Ensure robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of USAID programs.
  6. Comply with sub-award and sub-recipient management requirements.
  7. Handle project reporting, closeout, and risk mitigation in USAID-funded projects.


Module 1: Introduction to USAID and Its Regulatory Environment

Overview of USAID:

  • History, mission, and organizational structure of USAID.
  • Overview of USAID’s global impact and development priorities.

USAID's Regulatory Framework:

  • Introduction to USAID’s rules, regulations, and funding mechanisms.
  • Key differences between contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements.

Understanding USAID's Development Approach:

  • USAID’s focus on results-driven development.
  • Introduction to USAID’s Policy Framework and how it drives funding and project priorities.

Module 2: Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and USAID-Specific Regulations (AIDAR)

Overview of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR):

  • Structure and purpose of FAR in USAID funding.
  • Key FAR clauses applicable to USAID projects.

USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR):

  • Differences between FAR and AIDAR.
  • AIDAR-specific clauses and their relevance to international development projects.

USAID Automated Directives System (ADS):

  • Understanding ADS and how it guides USAID program implementation.

Module 3: Types of USAID Funding Mechanisms

Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts:

  • Understanding the differences between each mechanism.
  • Roles and responsibilities for USAID and the recipient under each funding type.

Lifecycle of USAID Awards:

  • Overview of the award process: pre-award, award, and post-award.
  • Steps for successful award management and compliance.

Roles of USAID Officials:

  • Introduction to key USAID roles: Contracting Officer (CO), Agreement Officer (AO), and Cognizant Technical Officer (CTO).

Module 4: Financial Management and Cost Principles

Financial Management for USAID-Funded Programs:

  • Overview of USAID’s financial management requirements.
  • Understanding the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200 - Uniform Guidance.

Allowable vs. Unallowable Costs:

  • Defining allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs.
  • Handling cost-sharing and in-kind contributions.

Budgeting and Financial Reporting:

  • Key USAID financial reports (e.g., SF-425 and SF-270).
  • Managing financial reporting requirements for compliance.

Module 5: Procurement and Contract Management

USAID Procurement Standards:

  • USAID procurement regulations and best practices.
  • Key aspects of FAR and AIDAR procurement clauses.

Managing Sub-awards and Sub-recipients:

  • Compliance responsibilities in managing sub-awards.
  • Best practices for monitoring sub-recipient performance.

Contract Management and Compliance:

  • Key principles of USAID contract management.
  • Ensuring compliance throughout the project lifecycle.

Module  6: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

USAID’s Monitoring and Evaluation Requirements:

  • Introduction to USAID’s MEL framework.
  • Understanding performance indicators, data collection, and evaluation standards.

Developing Effective MEL Plans:

  • How to create a compliant MEL plan.
  • Best practices for project monitoring and adaptive learning.

Using MEL Data for Decision-Making:

  • Utilizing MEL data for project management and reporting to USAID.
  • Techniques to integrate learning into project implementation.

Module 7: Risk Management, Compliance, and Audit Preparation

Risk Management for USAID Projects:

  • Identifying and mitigating risks in USAID-funded programs.
  • Tools and strategies for compliance risk management.

Preparing for USAID Audits:

  • Types of audits (financial, programmatic, compliance) and what to expect.
  • Common audit findings and corrective action plans.

Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention:

  • Building a strong internal control system to prevent fraud and mismanagement.
  • USAID’s expectations for accountability and transparency.

Module 8: Reporting and Communications with USAID

Performance Reporting Requirements:

  • Key USAID reports (e.g., annual and quarterly reports).
  • How to effectively communicate project progress and challenges.

Managing USAID Communications:

  • Best practices for clear, compliant communication with USAID.
  • Managing change requests and modifications with USAID Contracting/Agreement Officers.

Module 9: Gender, Inclusion, and Compliance with USAID Policies

Gender Equality and Female Empowerment in USAID Programs:

  • Overview of USAID’s gender policies and objectives.
  • Incorporating gender-responsive approaches into USAID project design.

Inclusion of Vulnerable Populations:

  • USAID’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in programming.
  • Practical strategies for ensuring inclusion in program implementation.

Ensuring Compliance with USAID’s Environmental and Social Policies:

  • USAID’s Environmental Compliance Guidelines (22 CFR 216).
  • Social safeguards and how to implement them in USAID programs.

Module 10: Project Closeout and Sustainability Planning

USAID Project Closeout Procedures:

  • Understanding the closeout process for USAID-funded projects.
  • Final financial reconciliation, reporting, and audits.

Sustainability and Exit Strategies:

  • Developing strategies for program sustainability post-funding.
  • Preparing an exit strategy that aligns with USAID’s goals.


  • Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with Macskills Training and Development Institute Cerificate


  • Training will be held at Macskills Training Centre. We also tailor make the training upon request at different locations across the world.


  • Airport pick up and accommodation is arranged upon request


  • Payment should be made to Macskills Development Institute bank account before the start of the training and receipts sent to


Training On Usaid Rules And Regulations
Dates Fees Location Action
09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class
18/11/2024 - 29/11/2024 $2,450 Nairobi Physical Class
Online Class